The exihibition was just what i wanted to go sometime in my free time, so i was willing to go to Meguro with her, i had a plan from the evening though.
We could arrived at "Gallery Cosmos" in 12 minutes from Meguro sta.
The project was quite simple.
Whoever wants to sell their own works can attend that. (The application was already closed.)
And everybody can get each photograph in 3,000 yen there if they like any of the photographs.
This time about 140 photographers has attended the project, and the visitors can look through their works in black files.
I thought the project itself was a great idea.
I didn't buy anything though...
By the way, I saw Mr. Herbie Yamaguchi there.
After I left Meguro, I went to International Forum in Yurakucho to enjoy Sigur Ros concert!(Ummm I went to concert much times this month... Being satisfied.)
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